

Following the pied piper of social media, you can now find me at LinkedIn:

RT @BrickandClick Retweet @cheeky_geeky LinkedIn is my Rolodex. Facebook is my scrapbook. Twitter is my lifestream idea generator (hmmm)

I’m looking at my claim on my professional name @ LinkedIn as more of a defensive mechanism than an offensive move into new public policy career space.  I am more and more convinced of the old saw: It’s who you know as much as what you know.  So for those in the know, John Shepard be there on the Rolodex of Web 2.0.  All 3 dozen of us.

Mostly it’s another bee in my bonnet on the topic of work-life integration.  There’s some buzz going on there.

As for Facebook, yeah.  Scrapbook.  that’s good.  I’m leaving lots of scraps on there.  Not keeping track of my Friend-count to see if I’m scaring ’em away.

Twitter, tho, that is becoming my idea drug of choice, in multiple flavors @johnshepard, @jcshepard, @johncshepard.  Watching The Matrix In Code.  Good ideas.  Bad ideas.  Data, data, data….


Edit 4 Feb 09: 8 Twitter Networking Tips: From Online to In-the-Flesh 

1. Use Your Twitter Profile As You Would a Business Card, 2. Let Your Twitter Feed Be Your (Ongoing) Portolfio, 3. Grow Your Twitter Network, 4. Get the Lowdown, 5. Tweet Yourself Up, 6. Ask for Help, 7. And Help Others, 8. Plan a Tweetup.

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2 Responses to LinkedIn

  1. Marybeth says:

    Hey JC, would love to hear the reasoning behind having numerous twitter accounts. I have two identities, journalist and singer-songwriter, so I was thinking of doing that. But then, sometimes it’s nice to cross-pollinate….

  2. JC says:

    Have added multiple personalities to meet multiple Twitter needs. I’ve been trying to figure out how to blog this, but in summary:
    1. @JohnShepard was 1st, in response to a political community. As politics & music topics mostly mutually exclusive…
    2. @JCShepard added. Also used to follow non-political topics that get lost in larger tweetstream.
    3. @JohnCShepard added recently, potential to use Specifically to paid work-related projects. Stuff I would post to LinkedIn.

    I justify it on thinking about what my followers would be interested–I don’t care to see left-wing politics on music blogs, so they probably don’t want to see my Barry Goldwater love-fest on mine.

    However, there is a care-and-feeding requirement to staying relevant and keeping it real. The net opens doors, sometimes those doors get really difficult to swing.

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